
Hello everyone, I'm Aziz Salis, I'm a UI/UX designer and also a Graphic Designer. Able to take ideas from concept to wire frame to prototype to production, used to working with teams or individuals. I have studied design for 6 years and have various certificates to support my expertise in making designs. my expertise includes making logo designs, social media designs, web designs, and many more, I also do freelance design and have completed many design projects with many companies, including I have made a web design for one of the companies, and the design provides high insight to the company. I am used to using applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, to create my designs, and I am very interested in future technology and design trends, so I always keep updating and following the development of design every day.


Informasi lebih rinci tentang pengguna ini

Nama lengkap
Muhamad Aziz Salis Asaduloh
Indonesia Indonesia
New seller
Anggota Sejak
20 Mei 2024
Terakhir terlihat
7 bulan yang lalu
Kecepatan membalas
0 menit


Lihat karya terbaru saya


Pendidikan yang telah di jalani

  • Universitas Siber Muhammadiyah

    S1 Informatika 2026

Pengalaman kerja

Pengalaman kerja yang saya punya

  • Temanidesain Studio

    Graphic Designer 2020 - 2023


Daftar bahasa yang saya gunakan

  • Bahasa Indonesia

    Sangat fasih
  • English

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Desain Logo Professional & Branding Bebas Revisi
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