Scruw Logo Design

Scruw Logo Design

Scruw Logo Design


Saya membuat logo ini dari mulai menentukan filosofi dari logo kemudian membuat sketsa , dan mulai men desain , dengan menyatukan visi dan misi perusahaan ke dalam logo tersebut , sehingga hasil akhir dari logo yang dibuat akan menjadi identitas dari sebuah perusahaan

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Hello everyone, I'm Aziz Salis, I'm a UI/UX designer and also a Graphic Designer. Able to take ideas from concept to wire frame to prototype to production, used to working with teams or individuals. I have studied design for 6 years and have various certificates to support my expertise in making designs. my expertise includes making logo designs, social media designs, web designs, and many more, I also do freelance design and have completed many design projects with many companies, including I have made a web design for one of the companies, and the design provides high insight to the company. I am used to using applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Adobe Illustrator, to create my designs, and I am very interested in future technology and design trends, so I always keep updating and following the development of design every day.